
Published and Under Review Papers

Driver Collusion in Ride-Hailing Platforms (with Seb Heese and Jiaru Bai)

Forthcoming in Decision Sciences

Hiding in Plain Sight: Strategic Providers, Surge Pricing, and Mitigation Strategies (with Seb Heese and Jiaru Bai)

Forthcoming in Production and Operations Management

On-Demand Logistics Service for Packages: Package Bidding Mechanism vs. Platform Pricing (with Ramin Ahmed and Michael Kay)

Presented in Winter Simulation Conference 2021

Impact of Collaborative Decision Making in Optimized Air Traffic Control: A Game Theoretical Approach (with Francesco Corman, Marcella Sama, and Gabriel Lodewijks)

Presented in International Conference on Computational Logistics 2016

Working/In Progress Papers

Analyzing the Impact of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: A Model of Trade in Carbon Mitigation Outcomes (with Sanjith Gopalakrishnan and Harish Krishnan)

Submitted to Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Competitive Implications of Spectrum Sub-Leasing on Optimal Price, Quality and Sourcing Decisions (with Seb Heese and Tim Kraft)

Finalizing draft for submission to Production and Operations Management

Ghost Kitchens and On-Demand Food Delivery: Price and Quality Implications

Work in Progress

Coopetition Strategies within Integrated & Independent Firms: Price, Quality, and Sourcing Implications

Work in Progress